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How to create a personal account in Worldfavor

Updated over a week ago

In order to access Worldfavor and register your organization - or approve an invitation to an already existing organization - you first need to register a personal account in the platform. With your same personal account, you can have access to one or several organizations and solutions.

To register your personal account in Worldfavor, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to and click "Sign up"

  2. Provide your email address, then click "Continue"

  3. Choose your password and click "Continue". Ensure that your password meets the following criteria:

    1. A minimum of 8 characters

    2. At least 3 of the following:

      • Lowercase letters (a-z)

      • Uppercase letters (A-Z)

      • Numbers (0-9)

      • Special characters (e.g., !@#$%^&*)

  4. A confirmation email will be sent to your inbox. Follow the instructions within the email to verify your email address.

  5. After verifying your email address, the final step is to input your name and consent to the terms & conditions as well as the privacy policy. Once confirmed, you will be automatically logged into the platform.

Frequently asked questions

I have not received any verification email.

If you haven't received the verification email, please ensure that you've completed the sign-up process rather than attempting to sign in. To begin, navigate to the front page and click on the "Sign up" link, which is positioned beneath the prominent "Continue" button. (Please note that if you merely enter your email and click "Continue," requesting a password reset link will yield no results if you haven't yet created an account.)

If you've successfully signed up but haven't received the verification email, we recommend the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Check your spam or junk folder: First, please check your spam or junk folder, as the verification email may have been mistakenly routed there.

  2. Consult your organization's IT support: In case you're part of an organization with stringent email filtering rules, it's possible that emails from Worldfavor are being blocked. We suggest reaching out to your organization's IT support to address this matter. Emails sent from the platform come from the email 

  3. Contact Worldfavor support: If the above steps do not yield a solution, kindly reach out to our dedicated Worldfavor support team for further assistance. You can initiate a chat by clicking the chat button in the lower-right corner or send an email to

I have received the verification, but there's no link in it.

The confirmation email is designed to include both a clickable button and a link for your convenience in confirming your account. If you do not find either of these options in the email, please follow these steps:

  1. Consult your organization's IT support: To address the absence of the confirmation elements, it's essential to reach out to your organization's IT support. It's possible that your organization's stringent email rules are blocking messages from Worldfavor.

  2. Contact us for assistance: If the issue persists even after consulting with IT support, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us directly. You can initiate a conversation by clicking the chat button in the lower-right corner or by sending an email to

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